Get paid
every day


Say NO MORE to Financial Stress! Receive Daily Payments to help you manage your daily costs. Only pay back on your pay day.

Let's Go

Why EveryPay?

EveryPay offers you an excellent support system to make sure that each day you wake up, the funds are available in your account.
Start using EveryPay to receive Daily Payments.

Sound good?
Let’s break it down

  • Traditional pay cycles make you wait for your pay. EveryPay makes everyday your pay day.
  • Always have your money available and accessible
  • Waiting for a week or fortnight to get paid, not anymore, now you can get paid every single day, including weekends!
  • Have the freedom to use your earned money when you need it most
  • It has never been easier to avoid overdraft bank fees
  • Avoid those short term high interest loans
  • Avoid credit card late fees
  • No more ‘Just Surviving’ between paychecks
  • EveryPay takes care of those who often find themselves scrimping to get by before their next pay
  • Increase your well being and minimise the stress and worrying about your daily costs.

How much can I receive daily?

EveryPay will automatically calculate it for you. But in general we pay between $10 - $50 a day to help you out with your daily expenses


We’re insured with Alliance Insurance Australia.


  • No More High Interest Loans
  • No more Overdraft Bank Fees
  • No More Financial Stress

How EveryPay works




Simply submit your application to find out how much you’re eligible to receive daily. Register for Free!


Receive Daily payments

Once your application is approved, you will start receiving your Daily Payments,  7 days a week.


Easy Payback.

On your next pay day, EveryPay will debit your bank account for the amount that you’ve received in advance plus a flat 5% Admin fee or $5 per $100. NO Hidden Fees.

Get started

Start now with no costs involved for
your assessment


Customer feedback

We are proud to get every day positive feedback from our growing customer base.

Genuinely great service.

I used to borrow money and pay 25% interests. Now I don't need to anymore.

David P.

Daily money

I always wondered why do I have to wait so long to get paid. Thanks Everypay.

Sophie R.

Great customer support!

I submitted wrong bank details and everypay team was able to quickly solve the problem. Thanks

Paul W.

What i needed

Thanks to everypay I was able to pay off my loans and have the money always available when I need it.

Shannon M.

Feels so good

I never thought I would love to go to work so much. Knowing that I will get paid after I finish work feels good.

Christy W.

Security for me

Everypay provides security for me and my family to always have access to money when we need it.

Zoe A.

Easy as

My coworker told me about everypay and I immediately signed up. If it wasn't for everypay, I would be out of money right now.

Ashley K.

No more high fees

If you are one of those who is borrowing money and paying high fees, then you should consider everypay. I was able to save a lot of money.

Felipe R.

No worries

I was always without money and worrying about it, then I started using  everypay and I don't need to worry anymore.

Craig H.

Get paid everyday.

I didn't think it's possible to get paid everyday. Thanks. I will share it with my friends.

James B.

Consider everypay

If you're in similar situation as I was always waiting to get paid to pay for expenses, then you should consider everypay.

Mateo A.

Great service.

Truly impressive and down to earth company who helps people who often find themselves out of money. Great service.

Matthew P.

Need more help?

Get some quick answers here.


Get some fast answers to the most common questions.

What are daily payments?

Daily Payments are the preferred use of EveryPay. When your Daily Payments are active, you will receive an approved amount of money in your bank account on a daily basis around mid day each day. Daily Payments are an extremely useful tool to help you manage your budgeting and cashflow. You can Activate or Pause your Daily Payments at any time.

Am I Eligible?

To Apply for EveryPay service, you must be at least 18 years old and you must have a regular Income of at least $300/week (take home pay after taxes).

Can I cancel everypay?

You can cancel EveryPay service at any time without any cost by contacting us on Please note; your account will be canceled after the money you’ve received from us has been returned.

How much does it cost?

EveryPay provides you with Daily Payments that are based on a small account fee of only $0.50 per $10 transferred into your account. You don't have to worry about making any transactions, EveryPay will debit your account for the amount you've received in advance + account fee on your next pay day.

Why didn't I receive a Daily Payment today?

If you have run out of available amounts in your account, the daily payments won't be available until the outstanding amount has been repaid. Also, Daily Payments can be delayed on public holidays. If you need the funds urgently, feel free to use Cash Boost.

What is Cash Boost?

Cash Boost works in a way as an ATM when unexpected expenses show up. You can request $10, $20, $50 or $100 and have the funds available in your bank account within 60 seconds.

Why is Cash Boost not available?

If you have a pending repayment on your account Cash Boost won't be available. Once your repayment is successfully processed, you will be able to use Cash Boost again.

Can I increase my EveryPay limit?

EveryPay uses an automated system to approve your limit. The longer you've held an account and the more successful repayments that you have, your available amount will automatically increase.

What happens if I don’t pay everypay back?

In case of a payment failure on the due date, your Daily Payments will stop and the outstanding balance will attract an initial late payment fee of $10, and a further $10 fee if a payment remains unpaid 7 days after the due date. For the avoidance of doubt, the late fees that may be applied are capped at 24% of the original amount you’ve received from EveryPay. If you’re unable to meet your obligations on due date, we encourage you to contact us immediately on Be assured that we’re here to make things easier for you. In other words, if you look after us, we will look after you.

My bank is not in the drop-down list, what can I do?

Unfortunately, we won't be able to offer you EveryPay services at this time.

Can EveryPay see my bank account login details?

No, EveryPay uses an automated system that can only read your bank statements not your login details.

Can I make repayment early?

You can, however, this feature only works from logging on via our URL not our mobile app. Log into your online account and click on 'PAY NOW'.

What do I do if the automatic payment fails?

We will send you an SMS and email letting you know an automatic payment has failed including the payment link which you can click on and make a payment with your bank card. Alternatively, you can log in to your online account and click PAY NOW next to your "payment schedule" - just follow the prompts.If you're worried you won't be able to make a payment, email us on ASAP and we'll try and sort something out.

I can't log into my account. What should I do?

If you are unable to log into your account, click on 'Forgot my password' and follow the steps to reset your password. If you continue having issues, please to contact us on and our friendly team will help you out.

Does EveryPay do a credit check?


Can I apply if I’m on Centrelink?

Yes, daily payments are based on your income and expanses. So, just because you’re receiving a Government benefit, doesn’t mean you can’t get access to Daily Payments.

Why would I be declined?

There could be few reasons:

  • Too much gambling identified in the account
  • You do not meet the minimum income requirement
  • Recent direct debit reversals to other companies
  • You have an irregular pay cycle
  • You have a joint account with another EveryPay customer